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28 Results Matching "ssp/"...
Super Simple Power Supply “SSPS” Design (Part 1)
After adding feature after feature that we would like to see in a power supply, the initial design ended up being anything from simple.
Type: Blog
Super Simple Power Supply “SSPS” Design (Part 2)
In the last SSPS design blog post we discussed using the OPA541 high powered opamp in the output section of the SSPS.
Type: Blog
Super Simple Power Supply “SSPS” Design (Part 3)
We've created the first functioning prototype of the super simple power supply and will see some initial performance tests.
Type: Blog
Robots with Feelings
Stephen does a full on simulation of analog section of the SSPS in MultiSim and Parker is working on a ESP8266 devboard.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Opamp-timal Power Supply
Stephen talks about the Stupid Simple Power Supply (SSPS). He designed a OPA541 breakout board for testing.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Mechanical MultiSIM Monsters
Stephen continues his work on the SSPS and Parker gets busy building an X-Y gantry.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Super Simple Buss Bars of Power
Parker and Stephen talk about the SSPS Energon Cube and Eagle Part Libraries.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
You won’t believe this ONE WEIRD Engineering trick
Parker and Stephen talk about the Analog board of the SSPS and clickbait engineering article titles.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Discrepant Diodes
Stephen makes progress on the FX Dev Board and Parker keeps working on the Stupid Simple Power Supply.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Panning for Caps
Stephen and Parker discuss Gameboys using Raspberry Pi Zero, the FAA's new anti-drone system, and project updates.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Dissolving Energon Cubes
Stephen and Parker chat about updates to the SSPS and FX Dev board.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Hungry Hungry Op Amps
Parker and Stephen just talk about Projects... Just Projects for 30 minutes.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Mythical Transistors
Parker is working on the front panel for the SSPS, Rigol DP832 woes, and Stephen does a guest lecture for the Iron Yard.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Bits That Don’t Quit
Stephen and Parker discuss how the digital and analog side of the SSPS will work and interface with each other.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Ridiculously Blinking LED
Stephen is now almost done with the FX Development Board's final layout and enclosure design.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Let The RF Hit The Noise Floor
This week Stephen and Parker have Dustin Holliday as a guest to chat about the FCC and KiCad Python.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Pokey Datasheets and Incognito Arduinos
This week Stephen and Parker rant about terrible datasheets and incognito Arduinos.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Lousy Datasheet Buyouts
Stephen and Parker rant (again) on bad datasheets, ARM being bought out by SoftBank, and general project updates.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Linear Effects of Licensing
New recording studio with Josh Moore for improved acoustics! SAIM machine running kinda, and Stephen on the SSPS.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
How Soft Are Your Diodes?
Parker's pinball controller has gone gold! Revision 3 is being fabricated! Stephen then explores the softness factor of diodes and the SSPS returns?
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Liquid Toroidal Electrons
Testing the OPA541, giant resistors, and capacitor weights?
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Tilting Tubes
Stephen builds a 16bit A/D D/A board with a MAX5217BGUA+ and MAX11100EUB+.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
The Art of Retention Force
MacroFab now supports the ODB++ format and Why to Like USB 3.1
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Classy Capacitors and Lab War Stories
This week Stephen and Parker discuss capacitors, the Space Echo RE-201, and horror stories of college electronic labs.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
The Macro Hour Mashup
Today's podcast is special as Stephen and Parker have a Co-Podcast with The Amp Hour's Chris Gammell.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Sonic Massage
More compressor IoT work, calibrating the space echo, and Stephen "plays" his synth.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Choose Your Own Adventure Level Shifter
Parker and Stephen examine an interesting mute circuit Stephen designed for his amplifier and the SN74LVC8T245.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast
Jiggling Jumper Cables
Stephen is back! He calls in from Colorado to talk about his new occupation and how to read temperature thermistors.
Type: Circuit Break: A MacroFab Podcast