Candidate decision matrix

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Electronics Contract Manufacturer Candidate Decision Matrix

This decision matrix will help you identify your manufacturing priorities so you can choose the electronics contract manufacturer that can best serve them.

Find The Right CM To Meet Your Manufacturing Priorities

You have to assess electronics vendor capabilities and services as part of your job. But comparing prospective CM partners isn't as straightforward as it sounds. What factor do you consider first, technology or service level? Is it urgent or do you need the cheapest price?

What impact will these factors have on quality?

With MacroFab's CM Candidate Decision Matrix, you can make the right choice for your company. Choose the CM that best serves your unique priorities.

  • Includes a sample matrix
  • Identify your show stopper essentials
  • Easily compare up to three CMs
  • Simplified 100-point scale
  • Get your stakeholders' input and compare

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What It Is

A scoring matrix that allows you to identify your priorities so that you can find the best CM to meet them.

Who It's For

Decision Makers

How To Use It

Choose the CM that best fits your needs