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Electronics Supply Chain Trends That Will Shape 2023

A focused analysis of factors affecting electronics manufacturing.

Electronics Supply Chain Trends That Will Shape 2023

Every industry, from aerospace to biomedical engineering, depends on electronics manufacturing. Our widespread dependence on modern semiconductor chips has made it difficult for industries to insulate themselves from electronics manufacturing volatility.

While the outlook on the global electronics supply chain has improved after a tumultuous season, challenges remain that will persist into 2023. Understanding these complexities is critical for preparing for the coming year, not just for manufacturers, but for all sectors.

Many supply chain experts mistakenly believe that more data automatically translates into better insights and performance. In reality, leaders must clarify why they are collecting data and how they will use it. In this white paper, we will discuss:

  • Using AI and machine learning to predict disruptions and plan ahead
  • How nearshoring and reshoring affect productivity
  • Utilizing unified data and better collaboration to mitigate risks and respond faster
  • Climate-related issues and legislative initiatives affecting manufacturing
  • Future trends in employment and logistics for electronics production

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What It Is

A focused analysis of factors affecting electronics manufacturing

Who It's For

The industry at large

How To Use It

Build an understanding of current circumstances and prepare for the upcoming manufacturing year.

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